Functional Nutrition & Health Coaching

Everyone has a unique physiology and genetic make-up that requires individual customization based on goals, preferences, and current health status.  There are many causes as to why you don’t feel and perform your best, diet and lack of exercise, stress, trauma, or even an underlying imbalance in your body.  

What to expect

Results are driven by knowledge AND experience. After working with thousands of clients the past 10 years, I have learned the value of truly listening to my clients and connecting with them in order to cultivate and develop healthy habits for life.

My goal with my clients is to educate them about healthy food choices, help them learn how to nourish their body with adequate calories and micronutrients, and listen to symptoms as their body’s way of communicating a need.

A properly nourished metabolism will not only maintain the desired body composition but also lay the foundation for health and longevity in all the body.

Review 5 - Pro Fit

Nutrition Philosophy

Pro Fit’s nutrition philosophy looks at the individual as a whole, not individual symptoms or dysfunction.  Kelsey will take time and effort to not only guide you through your new nutrition protocol but also supplement and lifestyle suggestions, mindset coaching, and other natural therapies.

Each new client is guided through an onboarding process developed by The Institute of Functional Medicine that includes an extensive health history, nutrition assessment, disease screening, inbody scan, and mindset assessment. On our initial call, we will decide if lab testing is appropriate then move forward with creating your complete wellness program.

Kelsey | Pro Fit

Nutrition Coaching

Whether your goal is to learn how to eat healthier, lose weight, feed your family a balanced diet, compete competitively, create a diet that caters to your athletic goal, or just learn how to eat for a long, and healthy life, we’ve got you covered!

This 90 day Program Includes:

  • 1-hour onboarding call to: define goals, review current nutrition and training routine, and a Functional Medicine review of your medical history, supplements & medications.

  • Lab testing ordered and samples collected

  • 75 Min Results and Recommendations Session to Discuss your lab results and Comprehensive Protocol including Nutrition plan, Supplements, Lifestyle Adjustments, and Recovery Modalities

  • 4, 30 min bi-weekly Check-in calls for accountability, goal setting, and adjustments

  • 45 min Comparative Analysis of 90-day lab re-draw Direct Message Support Via App

In addition to the coaching sessions, you receive an educational module on the app each week to empower you to learn about your body and how nutrition can empower you to achieve your goals! This includes journal prompts, mindset coaching, and intuitive eating tactics.

Nutrition Coaching | Pro Fit

Lab Testing

Our goal here at Pro Fit is to help you better understand how your body works through lab testing, genetics, custom training protocols and functional nutrition.

You won’t see any hocus-pocus or ridiculous claims here…we give you the tools and education to change your life but you have to put in the work!For those suffering with symptoms of hormonal imbalance, digestive distress, chronic fatigue, metabolic dysfunction, depression & anxiety or hindered athletic performance lab testing can offer insight into underlying causes behind these signals of dysfunction.

Lab Report | Pro Fit

Pro fit App

Track your food intake, monitor your macros and micronutrient intake, access your entire profile including health records, intake forms, labs, session notes, message your trainer or nutritionist and chat with other members!

Profit App | Pro Fit