min read
June 20, 2024

6 Ways to Get Rid of Bloating

Are you tired of feeling like you have a balloon in your belly? Well, you're not alone! Stomach bloating has become so widespread nowadays that some people are calling it an "epidemic." If you find yourself constantly dealing with distention, digestive discomfort, and an annoyingly bloated stomach, you're probably desperate to know: Why on earth do I feel bloated all the time?

Let's face it, most of us have less-than-ideal diets, sky-high stress levels, a daily reliance on medications, and constant exposure to a myriad of pollutants. With all these factors in play, it's no wonder that bloating has become a frequent companion in our lives, showing up more often than not.

Now, having a bloated stomach is not just uncomfortable; it can be downright mortifying, especially when it brings along its buddies like gas and the sudden urge to sprint to the bathroom. But hold on tight because this issue might be more significant than you think. Get ready to bid farewell to your bloated belly and say hello to a happier, flatter tummy!

Stomach Bloating

When it comes to excessive gas in the intestines, the culprits are often as follows:

1. Inadequate protein digestion: Certain foods can ferment in your gut when they aren't properly digested, leading to bloating.

2. Incomplete breakdown of sugars and carbohydrates: Enzymes are needed to fully digest certain complex sugar compounds, and lacking them can cause bloating.

3. Imbalance in gut bacteria: In your digestive tract, trillions of bacteria (some good, some bad) battle for supremacy. When the "bad bacteria" gain the upper hand, it can result in bloating and excessive gas.

However, stomach bloating can sometimes raise a red flag, indicating more serious underlying health problems. For instance, it's a common symptom of candida overgrowth and often accompanies conditions such as allergies, hormonal imbalances, thyroid dysfunction, gut troubles, and inflammatory bowel disease.

With so many variables at play, including seemingly unrelated ones like sleep and stress, it's possible to find yourself bloated at any time, whether it's day or night, and regardless of the month. Now, here's a little secret: Bloating is not the same as carrying around extra fat or even retaining water in your stomach. While fluids don't accumulate in your tummy, you might experience water retention in other areas of your body, like your ankles, face, and feet, in addition to a bloated stomach if an underlying condition is causing both phenomena.

So, the next time your belly starts blowing up like a balloon, remember that it's not just a simple inconvenience. It's your body's way of speaking up and demanding attention. Take heed, make the necessary adjustments, and show that bloating who's boss!

How To Get Rid of Stomach Bloating

1. Say Hello to Good Bugs: Probiotics for a Healthy Gut

Probiotics are like friendly gut bugs that help keep your digestive tract in top shape. They fight off harmful bacteria that can cause digestive problems. You can get probiotics from supplements or natural sources like kimchi, sauerkraut, yogurt, kefir, and kombucha.

2. Fiber is Your Friend

Eating a diet rich in fiber can help prevent bloating. Fiber regulates the amount of air and poop in your digestive system, keeping things moving smoothly. Aim for around 25-30 grams of fiber every day or more.

3. Hydrating Fruits and Veggies

Water-rich fruits and veggies are great for relieving bloating. They provide hydration, electrolytes, and enzymes that aid digestion. Include leafy greens, cucumber, celery, fennel, artichoke, melons, berries, steamed veggies, and fermented vegetables in your diet.

4. Soothing Herbs, Spices, and Teas

Certain herbs and spices have a soothing effect on your belly. Ginger, dandelion, aloe vera, and fennel have been used for centuries to ease digestive discomfort. They can help with bloating, constipation, and inflammation. Try adding fresh herbs, ginger root, aloe vera juice, and herbal teas to your routine.

5. Hydration is Key

Drinking enough water is essential for beating bloating. It helps with hydration, aids fiber in doing its job, and promotes proper digestion. Aim for at least six to eight glasses of water a day. Opt for plain water, fruit-infused water, or herbal tea.

6. Foods and Drinks to Avoid

Some foods can make bloating worse. Be mindful of these culprits:

  • Sugar and sweetened snacks: Sugar can ferment in the gut and cause inflammation.
  • Most dairy products: Flavored yogurts and some other dairy products can be problematic due to artificial ingredients and removed enzymes.
  • Refined grains and grain products: Gluten and certain grains like corn and oats can be difficult to digest.
  • Tricky-to-digest veggies: Broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, onions, and garlic contain compounds that can cause bloating in some people.
  • Beans and legumes: They can promote gas.
  • Carbonated drinks and chewing gum: These can introduce excess air into your digestive system.
  • Certain fruits: Apples, peaches, and avocados can cause bloating in some individuals.
  • Artificial sweeteners and sugar alcohols: Avoid aspartame, sorbitol, mannitol, and xylitol.

By making these simple changes to your diet and lifestyle, you can bid farewell to bloating and embrace a healthier, happier tummy.