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June 20, 2024

SIBO: What it is and What to Do if You Have It

Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO) is a condition that occurs when there is an abnormal increase in the number of bacteria in the small intestine. In the realm of functional medicine, understanding SIBO is crucial as it often underlies various health issues. This blog aims to provide a comprehensive overview of SIBO, its symptoms, root causes, and functional medicine approaches for managing and preventing it.

Understanding SIBO

SIBO occurs when bacteria that normally belong in the colon migrate into the small intestine, where they can disrupt the delicate balance of the gut ecosystem. This can lead to a range of symptoms and impact nutrient absorption, contributing to a cascade of health issues. Common symptoms of SIBO include bloating, abdominal pain, diarrhea, constipation, and nutrient deficiencies. However, SIBO is often overlooked or misdiagnosed due to its diverse symptomatology.

Root Causes of SIBO

1. Impaired Gut Motility: One key factor contributing to SIBO is impaired gut motility. When the normal sweeping motion of the intestines is compromised, bacteria can accumulate in the small intestine, leading to overgrowth.

2. Low Stomach Acid: Insufficient stomach acid is another common culprit. In functional medicine, addressing the root cause of low stomach acid is essential to prevent the migration of bacteria from the stomach into the small intestine.

3. Immune System Dysfunction: A compromised immune system may also play a role in the development of SIBO. Functional medicine strategies often focus on supporting and optimizing immune function to prevent bacterial overgrowth.

Functional Medicine Approaches for SIBO

  • Comprehensive Testing

Functional medicine practitioners often use advanced testing to diagnose SIBO accurately. This may include breath tests, stool analysis, and blood tests to assess inflammation and nutrient levels.

  • Personalized Nutrition Plans

Nutrition plays a pivotal role in managing SIBO. Functional medicine emphasizes personalized nutrition plans, often incorporating the low-FODMAP diet to reduce fermentable carbohydrates that can feed bacterial overgrowth.

  • Herbal Protocols

Herbal protocols, featuring antimicrobial herbs like oregano, berberine, and neem, are commonly employed in functional medicine to address bacterial overgrowth while preserving the balance of the gut microbiome.

  • Gut Motility Support

Functional medicine approaches prioritize enhancing gut motility through lifestyle changes, dietary modifications, and targeted supplements to prevent the recurrence of SIBO.

  • Lifestyle and Stress Management

Stress reduction techniques, such as mindfulness, meditation, and yoga, are integral to functional medicine strategies for managing SIBO. Chronic stress can impair gut function and contribute to SIBO development.

  • Physical Activity

Regular physical activity supports overall gut health by promoting proper digestion and motility. Functional medicine practitioners often prescribe exercise regimens tailored to individual needs.


In the realm of functional medicine, addressing SIBO goes beyond symptom management. It involves identifying and correcting the underlying factors contributing to bacterial overgrowth. If you suspect you may have SIBO or are struggling with unexplained digestive symptoms, consulting with a functional medicine practitioner can provide personalized insights and an integrative approach to restore gut health.

Remember, the information provided here is for educational purposes and should not replace professional medical advice. Always consult with a qualified healthcare professional for personalized guidance.